
Boxing � An Introduction

Man is an animal after all. His basic instinct is to fight both for offence and defense. Civilization mellows him down but at the slightest instigation he can unleash his primeval nature. When this is transposed into a sports arena,customized bobbleheads, it is bound to draw attention and admiration. Boxing is one such sport.

The sport allows a boxer to release his suppressed energy through fighting. It is a power play between two participants of equal weight, so that both have equal opportunities. However, there is a limitation. Only fist fighting is allowed. Nevertheless,customize bobblehead, it gives enough room to give vent to the primitive instincts within.

History of Boxing

The earliest evidence of boxing is found in Greek records. It was accepted as a formal sporting in the Olympics of 688 B,custom bobbleheads.C. That is pretty early given the amount of interest the sport still commands,personalized bobbleheads. Fist fighting contests were known in ancient Egypt, Minoa and Sumer too. In the 17th to 19thcenturies boxing matches were played only for money pr prizes. This was �amateur boxing�. Professional boxing gained grounds when it was included in the Olympics of 1908. It developed into modern day boxing as and when new rules got attached to it. Now, it is known by different names in different countries.

Rules of the Game

A boxing match is supervised by a referee. The boxers have to fight a series of rounds (normally 12) with one three minutes intervals,Keep Them Busy Busy Busy,customized bobbleheads. One boxer wins if his opponent is knocked down and cant get up in ten counts or if he is declared too injured to carry on. Victory is also possible if the referee decides on a winner or on the scores given by the judge,Classifieds February 19, 2015,.. Modern boxing is governed by The Marquess of Queensberry rules which have been put into effect from 1867,custom bobblehead.

In a typical match each boxer is assigned a particular corner of the ring which he can use to consult with his coach and to rest in between the rounds,personalized bobble heads. A corner is also where the assistant trainer and a cutaneous doctor (called the cutman) houses themselves during a match,personalized bobble heads. The former can motivate the boxer and tell him his mistakes and the latter can provide first aid in any case of bruise and bleeding on the boxer�s face.

The ring also has a referee who controls the boxer�s conduct and style of fighting,Distinguishing Sticker Designs Boost Your Business Turnover,customize bobblehead. He also checks whether the blows are getting too powerful! There can be up to three judges who maintain a score cared depending on the finesse and perfection with which the boxers perform during the match,,,Recruitment Advertising Offered At Best Prices With Comprehensive Deals To Save Your Money Only At R.

A good performance is one that has the correct punches that connect, and also knockdowns and defense. Violation of these rules is termed as �fouls�. This is generally decided by the referee who deducts points from the boxers. Fouls may lead to disqualification of the offending boxer and hence to a default loss.

An intentional foul disqualifies the participant who perpetrates it. Accidental fouls may lead to a �draw�,personalized bobblehead. It�s best to play a fair boxing game and �fight� your way to glory!

