
PCI Compliance Provides Protection

Why do companies choose PCI compliance? To protect their business from potential security threats and severe fines. Securing cardholder information is vital to any company. Identity theft is an ongoing problem not only in the United States,customize bobblehead, but across the world. Personal information is a highly valued commodity; companies which don't protect it will soon cease to exist.

PCI (payment card industry) compliance brings companies benefits such as:

� Protection from costly fines
� Increased trust among current and potential customers
� Increased consumer confidence
� Security

Today more and more people use credit cards and bank cards as a payment method. They do banking,personalized bobble heads, pay bills and make purchases online; it's part of their lives. Unfortunately, card transactions make them vulnerable to personal information theft and credit card fraud. Identity thieves and hackers make a living by stealing vital personal information including names,custom bobblehead, payment card data and social security numbers. They use stolen information for their own gains or sell the information in the black market. In this day and age,custom bobbleheads, merchants must ensure secure storage of credit and debit card data.

When it comes to identity theft,customized bobbleheads, customers are on high alert. They're keenly aware of the costs and headaches associated with credit card and identity theft. If the public doesn't trust their personal information in your hands they'll simply go elsewhere. A great number of people have fallen prey to identity theft. Most people today have either experienced some form of identity theft or know a victim. Sometimes,personalized bobblehead, identity theft leads to bankruptcy. Due to the disastrous consequences of identity theft,Golf Equipment To Play Golf,personalized bobblehead, customers demand safe storage and protection of their private information.

Studies indicate identity theft victims spend more than 600 hours trying to recover from the crime,personalized bobble heads, often over a period of years. PCI compliance helps prevent this atrocious crime. Non-PCI compliant companies may feel they're saving money,customize bobblehead, however stolen customer information can easily lead to big fines and a collapse of the business. Customers may avoid non-PCI compliant businesses.

Every company who accepts credit cards,custom bobblehead, including online businesses and bricks and mortar businesses,custom bobblehead, face severe fines,Getting In Action With An Electric Skateboard,personalized bobbleheads,WSOP First Two Events, fees and penalties if they're not in compliance with the mandates of the Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) when a breach of security occurs. PCI-DSS is a set of requirements established by the PCI Security Standards Council.

Identity theft strikes both online and offline businesses,Article 10 Corporate Events,,. PCI compliant businesses have a far better chance of protecting their customer's personal and payment card information and customers realize this,personalized bobbleheads. When it comes to PCI compliance there should be no compromises,..

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