
Will Manny Ramirez And MLB Discourage Men From An Andropause Diagnosis

In May of 2009,personalized bobble heads, Los Angeles Dodgers slugger Manny Ramirez was suspended for 50 games by the Major Baseball League (MLB). He tested positive for HCG,customize bobblehead, a banned substance by the MLB. Ramirez will be able to return to the LA Dodgers on July 3 and will receive a 31 pay cut,customized bobbleheads,Skateboard Deck � The Nexus Of A Skateboard, which is estimated at $7.7 million.

In a statement to the public, Ramirez said his doctor gave him a medication for a �personal health issue.� The medication had human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG),personalized bobbleheads, which is one of the many substances prohibited under baseball�s policy. HCG is not a steroid, but it is often used to replenish testosterone levels at the end of a cycle of steroid treatments.

What is disturbing about this story is that HCG is a supplement used in treating andropause,customize bobblehead, also known as male menopause.

Although HCG is banned by the MLB, HCG can be legitimately prescribed for men with low testosterone levels. It is expected that 25 million American men between the ages 40 of 55 have low testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels are the leading indicators of andropause,personalized bobblehead, which affects men physically and psychologically,personalized bobblehead, much like menopause affects women over the age of 45.

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Andropause is caused by testosterone levels,custom bobblehead, which is common among men over the age of 40, but can be noticeable around age 35 or even sooner. The symptoms of andropause include decreased energy,,, decreased libido or interest in sex, erectile dysfunction, hot flashes and night sweats, depression and decrease in muscle mass.

HCG and its Connection to Andropause:

Professional athletes have used steroids and testosterone supplements to improve their athletic game, but HCG is not a steroid. It is actually a hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. HCG can help men with andropause by simulating the body�s natural testosterone production. Combined with a testosterone replacement therapy program administered by a licensed physician,custom bobblehead, HCG can help men raise their testosterone levels to a healthy level and decrease the symptoms of andropause.

What does HCG do for Men with Andropause?

HCG is used to treat adult men with andropause by mimicking the body�s own natural rhythm of testosterone production. HCG helps maintain normal, healthy testosterone levels and helps to minimize excess estrogen production. HCG also stimulates sperm production and restores normal function to the testes.

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If you think you may have andropause and are experiencing irritability, depression, hot flashes, loss of muscle size and strength and decreased libido, talk to your doctor. He or she can get your testosterone levels checked through a simple test.

Treatment is available for men with andropause, but only 5 of men with andropause seek treatment. Remember, your doctor may not check your testosterone levels unless you specifically ask.

Research andropause online and speak with your doctor about andropause treatment options. There is a variety of testosterone replacement therapy programs and testosterone can be administered through topical gels,personalized bobble heads, skin patches,., oral capsules,custom bobblehead, injections, or testosterone cream.

Most importantly of all,custom bobbleheads, remember that hormone supplements used to treat medical conditions are used for very different purposes than the supplements used by athletes such as Manny Ramirez. Don�t be discouraged to get checked out by an andropause physician or doctor. While athletes use them to gain an unfair competitive advantage, hormones to treat a medical condition can make you feel healthy and like yourself again.

